Since its inception, NAUI has thrived on the talents and dedication of its members. Each year, the Association honors outstanding NAUI leaders by recognizing the contributions of members worldwide who generously volunteer their time to advance NAUI, the sport of diving, and the protection of the marine ecosystem.
Nominations Open May 1, 2025 and close June 30, 2025
NAUI members may submit a nomination form to highlight a NAUI Leader who distinguishes him/herself in the dive community. See below for award descriptions & criteria.
The NAUI Outstanding Service Award is presented to NAUI members who distinguish themselves for service provided to the association. Their service to NAUI and our mission of dive safety through education can be on a local, regional, national, or international level. This is NAUI’s oldest award, established in 1975. Traditionally, most nominations are submitted by NAUI field representatives. However, any member of NAUI may nominate a NAUI member for the award.
Awarded to NAUI Members who:
Nomination:Â by any NAUI member
To recognize long-term service as a NAUI Divemaster, Assistant Instructor, or Skin Diving Instructor, the Outstanding Training Support Award was established in 1992. Until then, NAUI had no award to specifically recognize the very dedicated and self-sacrificing group of NAUI members who have chosen to contribute to diving by assisting in the training programs of NAUI instructors rather than choosing to become scuba instructors themselves. There are two versions of the award, one for five years of service and one for 10 years.
Awarded to individuals who:
Selection for this award is automatic upon nomination with the provision that the nominee is a current NAUI member in good standing.
Nomination:Â by NAUI Instructors assisted
The NAUI Continuing Service Award is awarded to NAUI members who have previously received an Outstanding Service Award and who have continued to distinguish themselves through further service to the association as described for the Outstanding Service Award. Traditionally, the majority of nominations are submitted by NAUI field representatives. However, any member of NAUI may nominate a NAUI member for the award
Nomination:Â by any NAUI member
Established in 2019, the Next Generation Leader Award is presented to NAUI members new to the industry who distinguish themselves with service provided to the association and show promise of significant achievement. The intent of this award is to recognize members who reach out in some special way to improve the diving sport for youth of the next generation.
Their service to NAUI is refreshing because they are either younger in age or relatively newer to the dive industry and already demonstrate strong characteristics of NAUI leadership. Individuals nominated for this award use the NAUI motto Dive Safety Through Education to support innovation to the next generation and act as an admirable example to other new or young divers and leaders.
Their service to NAUI and our mission of Dive Safety Through Education can be on a local, regional, national, or international level. Any member of NAUI may nominate a NAUI member for the award.
Awarded to NAUI Members who meet the following requirements:
Regular participation in and support of NAUI training programs, with (innovative) youth programs specifically, while in continuous active status as a NAUI Assistant Instructor, NAUI Divemaster, NAUI Skin Diving Instructor, NAUI Instructor. The nominee must not be older than 30 years of age, or the nominee must be a NAUI member of no more than 3 years.
A recipient may only receive the award once. Any NAUI member or past recipient may nominate a new individual for the award.
The recipient who is honored with the award will get special recognition on NAUI social media networks to enable the spread of NAUI (youth) programs.
The award is administered and granted by the NAUI Headquarters Standing Awards Committee. Granting of the award will be automatic, providing the criteria are met and the nominee is a member in good standing.
Nomination:Â of a NAUI member by a NAUI member
The Albert Pierce Medal for Heroism was established by the Board of Directors in 1992. Its purpose is to recognize personal valor above and beyond the call of duty as exhibited during lifesaving or rescue operations. The award is named to posthumously honor the research and contributions made by Albert Pierce, NAUI 1292, during a lifetime of work in diving instruction and diving lifesaving. In its 20-year history, three individuals have received the Albert Pierce Award: Stanley Cwiklinski, NAUI 13452 (1992), Michael Bohnenberger, NAUI 5559 (1993), and Captain Pete Westak, NAUI 14008 (2007).
The awardee need not be a NAUI member, and any person is eligible who has:
Nomination:Â by any NAUI member or by the rescued person involved
The Dr. Charlie Brown Memorial Award was created in 1985 to posthumously recognize and commemorate the contributions made by Dr. Charles V. Brown of Laguna Beach, California. Although not a diver, Dr. Brown dedicated himself for many years to service to the sport diving community. He lectured at Instructor Certification Courses, made NAUI IQ conference presentations, wrote articles and support materials for diver training, served as regular medical columnist of NAUI News, and made himself available in every way to serve divers and diving safety. He did this on a volunteer basis, unselfishly, and in a non-profit capacity. After his untimely death in 1981, friends banded together to promote creation of a special award to recognize commitment to unselfish service so typified by Charlie Brown.
The award recognizes volunteer service and contributions to the diving community of a substantial nature. Because a key element in the criteria is that the service be voluntary and non-profit, the award is usually given to persons who are not professionally employed in diving, although diving professionals also have received the award based on their volunteer service to diving. Any individual who meets the criteria, whether a member of NAUI or not, is eligible for the award. Any individual or entity may make nominations.
Nomination:Â Any individual or entity may make nominations.
Of particular concern to the diving community is the continuing damage to the aquatic environments and the fear that marine ecosystems will lose their ability to regenerate. NAUI’s Environmental Enrichment Award is given for work causing or promoting improvement or protection of the aquatic environment. The concept for the award was developed by Hillary Viders, NAUI 10107, then the NAUI/NDA Environmental Liaison. In support of NAUI’s mission of environmental education, the award was approved by the NAUI Board of Directors in 1992. The Environmental Enrichment Award is presented in two categories: one to recognize the efforts of an individual and one to recognize organizational entities. Either or both awards may be presented annually.
The award is given for work that has caused an important and recognizable improvement in the aquatic environment, provided significant protection for the aquatic environment, or educated and inspired others to protect and conserve the aquatic environment. The actions affecting the aquatic environment may include any efforts that improve or preserve any part of the global hydrologic cycle. Recognition may be granted for work or efforts completed either on a professional or volunteer basis, so long as the caliber of the activities warrants the award. The award may recognize one event or a lifetime of achievement.
Either or both awards may be presented annually, provided there is an appropriate nominee. A recipient may only receive the award once. The actions affecting the aquatic environment may include any efforts that improve or preserve any part of the global hydrologic cycle. Any NAUI member or past recipient may nominate an individual or entity for the award.
Awarded in 2 categories:
Awarded for:
Nomination:Â By any NAUI member or past recipient. The nomination is to be in writing and should identify the nominee, describe their efforts, state how they improved the aquatic environment, include contact information, and the category of the nomination
Awarded to individuals who:
are not members of NAUI, but have made significant, long-term contributions to the fields of sport diving, marine conservation, or marine education
Nomination:Â by any NAUI member
Recognizing innovative contributions to the development of diving and dive education.
The modern dive industry is one of continuous innovation. Innovation in equipment, training, engagement, business, ideas, and applications. NAUI as an organization has led many innovations in the diving industry including teaching standards, course development, safety considerations, and business organization. The NAUI Award for Innovation recognizes individuals for their significant contribution of innovation to the dive industry. Their innovations reflect the spirit of adventure, exploration, and leadership which is the very foundation of the diving industry and NAUI.
This award recognizes innovative programs, practices, partnerships, policies, and activities that improve the ability to serve students and the diving community, and to honor those who have created and implemented innovation. Granting this award provides NAUI the opportunity to express our appreciation to these individuals who strive for excellence and innovation, showcase their innovations, and acknowledge the positive waves their contributions make to the diving community.
Awarded in 2 categories each year:
Awarded for:
Nomination:Â By any NAUI member or affiliate partner member (DAN). The nomination: is to be in writing; identify the nominee; describe their efforts; include contact information; the category of the nomination; and state how their innovation contributed to diving.
First it was the people who had the vision. Then it was the people who took our motto and mission to heart. NAUI was conceived, born, and nurtured by a lot of very talented and dedicated individuals whose labor was, for the most part, volunteer. The inaugural class of 22 honorees was inducted into the Hall of Honor at our 40th anniversary celebration in Houston, Texas, in 2000. A dozen more members have joined their ranks in the decade since.
The NAUI Hall of Honor was established to recognize and thank those most valuable NAUI members who have made outstanding contributions to the development of diving education, especially to NAUI—those very special individuals who went well beyond the call of duty to become the key contributors and leaders of the Association. A nomination may be made by any NAUI member; accompanying the nomination should be a short biographical statement to support the selection criteria. Nominations are reviewed and approved by a committee selected by the NAUI Board of Directors, and the final approval is made by the Board.
Each year, the Hall of Honor Award is reserved for a maximum of four outstanding candidates.
Awarded to individuals who:
Nomination:Â by any NAUI member
The NAUI Lifetime Achievement Award Honors significant and continued contributions to diving and long-term service on behalf of NAUI. The award is open to any NAUI Hall of Honor member.
The NAUI Board of Directors created the NAUI Lifetime Achievement Award in 1998 to honor significant and continued contributions to diving and long-term service on behalf of NAUI. The award is open to any NAUI Hall of Honor member.
The first recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award was Al Tillman, NAUI 001, in recognition of his extraordinary and continued contributions to recreational scuba diving education and to the development of worldwide diving training standards. Al was specifically cited as co-founder of the first organized underwater certification program in 1954, as co-founder of NAUI in 1959-60, and as director of the first NAUI Instructor Certification Course in 1960. Al was presented his award at the NAUI social at the 1998 DEMA show.
For significant contributions to NAUI and the field of dive education; given at the discretion of the Executive Director of NAUI.